Create customized tranings

Are you looking for customized training? The com­plex­i­ty of IT proc­esses in your com­pa­ny re­quires non standard so­lu­tions and you want to de­sign the scope of the training yourself?
It's simple! Tailor your own training course and adjust it to your company needs.

Training course created on demand according to detailed customer requirements and in majority of cases based on analysis of customer’s needs and adjusted particularly to exact expectation. There is couple of possibilities to prepare a tailored training:

  1. Customer can choose the training topics and scope from existing trainings catalog and then plan exact dates with the trainer. There is number of possibilities depending on the requested scope of training and number of participants.
  2. Our trainer or consultant conducts an analysis of needs with customer, and on that basis can prepare a specialized training program adjusted to particular company requirements. The length of the analysis process is dependent on the company size, complexity of business process and existing infrastructure (starting from couple of hours up to couple of days). It is possible to order only the analysis of needs and expert’s advice.

Our tailored training programs provides customers with ability of flexible customization of the training scope according to their needs, participants knowledge level and expectations. Customers can freely modify the scope of training and create its unique version.
Courses are organized in 1-5 days trainings time boxes on working days as well as on weekends. Each individual training is a subject of individual pricing offer.

Contact us - we will design and prepare a special training offer for you!
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